What is Early Puberty?

Early puberty is a condition in which a child begins to develop secondary sexual characteristics, such as breast development or the growth of pubic hair, at a younger age than is typical. In girls, early puberty is defined as the onset of breast development before the age of 8, and in boys, it is defined as the onset of testicular enlargement before the age of 9.

The causes of early puberty can vary. In some cases, it may be due to a genetic predisposition or a hormonal imbalance. Other possible causes include obesity, certain medical conditions, or exposure to certain chemicals or toxins.

Early puberty can have a number of negative effects on a child, including emotional and social difficulties higher risk of certain health problems, and an increased risk of short stature. It is important to diagnose and treat early puberty as soon as possible, as it can help reduce these risks and improve the child's overall health and well-being.

A pediatrician or endocrinologist can help diagnose and manage early puberty. This may include laboratory tests, physical examination, and imaging tests. Treatment options include medications that can slow down the progression of puberty or watchful waiting.


 At The Mehra Clinic, Dr. Rinku Mehra is passionate about helping children and better understand their concerns about to manage early puberty.

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